Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Canteen Day 21th March 2012.

It's been 17 years our school didn't held a Canteen Day so our principal decided to held a Canteen Day this year. All form5s' must handle this project. We're the food supplier of the day. My class was selling Ice-blended, Pie Tee, Agar-agar, Fried Rice with Chicken, Keropok, Flavoured ice tube. I'm helping Jxhia, Yvonne, Kim, JiaQi, ReeWen, YinChing,... on the ice-blended things... We got 700 orders! can you imagine that?! We work like insane to make those drinks wey! 

  Today we don't have to wear uniform. I was like Oh Yeah!! but of course we have to wear the shirt which design by some random people for all the form5s' with jeans. I can see everyone's beauty today. xD 

  You know what? Teacher who is in-charge is a bad planner! We want to do it in class you don't allowed you ask us to go to dataran kantin. We do it there you say cannot the ice water keep flooding out ask us to move to the opposite blank place leave the blender on current place. Bitch yo! you're not the one caring the ice cube wey! Do you know how tired i ran around just for the ice cube?! My hand was frozen and it pain like shit! Ya BITCH if you don't have that kind of brain to plan please leave it to another better brain! 

  The WOW part. In the middle of work Zhi Yin and I went out with Duncan & Pn. Hwang. Muahaha!! Both of them was like our parents bring us to Gama to buy blender, agar-agar thing & plastic. Zhi Yin is so hyper, hyper than me a lot. I mean a lot! She was like:' WOW! this is my first time wey! So fucking excited!! wohoo!!' I can only keep saying okay okay.. mai siao mai siao.. She just jumping around.. haiz.. BEH TAHAN. =b
NOTE: if Duncan wanna drive you with his car please say NO! cause that is not a car! is a rubbish bin or some shit. He never tidy his car wan! don't know got cockroaches or not, dirty ka si!!.. ><

  Next time if you're going to in-charge of canteen day i'll still suggest ice-blended it's really really easy to make and it's a hot selling item. By then don't hurt your hand, the ice will freeze your hands until you feel really really pain. 

  So, that's all for today. I seriously need some herbal paste, my shoulder and back was so damn pain. 

Dearly me, HannNyo with love.

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