Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Shooting Fun at School.

It's our last year at Convent Datuk Keramat. We stand a chance to bring camera to school to snap photo to print on the book with our life in school. 
Most of us bring DSLR, semi-DSLR, even compact camera. Shooting is fun, for me. Shooting my friends in school is even fun. You know we spend our happy memories, hard times, sleeping while study, gossip every things together all the time. I'll miss you guys! 
Gonna share some pictures to you guys that me and my friends took. 

Big headed, ME.

silly me with ReeWen. 

looks like a pro? =b

hardworking lerh~~

Mr Ducan. Vainest teacher ever after.

Monkey with LiHong

Pn. Hwang. our beloved chemi teacher.

Guess who... =b

Small shoot of class.
Oh ya, today we played a game while our English lesson.. I actually won every game but teacher says I should give people chance so, I won the first and give out the rest.. =b
Ta-da.. It's word search.

Stay tune for more updates.. =D

Love, Hann

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