Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Bad Day

It's a bad bad day..
Today our school held Sukan Tara: long jump and race.

I says it's bad because it is my very last year in CDK and i wanna do it for my Blue team. but in the end i fail.. I over jumped and i fall in the race.. damn it!!!

What would cheer me up?? Sad MAX!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Join us, be one of us now!

Youth Jam Army
2012 Jul 7th @ 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM Penang Perak Kuala Lumpur

Join Malaysia's Largest Youth Events as a VOLUNTEER NOW ! Just click on the VOLUNTEER BUTTON BELOW !
YouthsToday.com Goal: Reaching 100,000 young people in Malaysia.
Youth Jam Goal : Impacting youths in Malaysia!
How does it really works?
What you will get in return for joining us?
1. Certificate from Minister of Higher Education
2. Goodie Bag
3. Portfolio with YouthsToday.com
4. T-shirt (only for those helping out on event date)
5. VIP Tickets to watch Youth Jam Open Stage Concert

What you need to have:
1. WiFi at home
2. Laptop or Desktop
3. You have to access online 2 hours a week to do the below:

What you need to do:
1. Register 10 of your friends in YouthsToday.com and LIKEYouthsToday Facebook Page
2. Post an article of Youth Jam on your blog (if applicable)
3. Post this badge on your facebook profile
4. Share YouthToday (Youth Jam link) on Facebook
5. Change your Facebook cover photo to Youth Jam from 18/6/2012 – 8/7/2012 (Penang and Perak Youth Jam)click here to download the cover photo
6. Change your Facebook cover photo to Youth Jam from 1/9/2012 – 16/9/2912 (Kuala Lumpur Youth Jam)
7. Tweet about Youth Jam
8. Share Youth Jam YouTube Video on Facebook (30 times)
9. Share Youth Jam Picture on Facebook (30 times)

Upon signing up with us, we will provide you all necessary and information about Youth Jam and equip you full fledge for the history making event! It is an honor to have you on board with us and we WELCOME to the FAMILY!

Registration Form Download Link: http://bit.ly/yjarmyregister

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Shooting Fun at School.

It's our last year at Convent Datuk Keramat. We stand a chance to bring camera to school to snap photo to print on the book with our life in school. 
Most of us bring DSLR, semi-DSLR, even compact camera. Shooting is fun, for me. Shooting my friends in school is even fun. You know we spend our happy memories, hard times, sleeping while study, gossip every things together all the time. I'll miss you guys! 
Gonna share some pictures to you guys that me and my friends took. 

Big headed, ME.

silly me with ReeWen. 

looks like a pro? =b

hardworking lerh~~

Mr Ducan. Vainest teacher ever after.

Monkey with LiHong

Pn. Hwang. our beloved chemi teacher.

Guess who... =b

Small shoot of class.
Oh ya, today we played a game while our English lesson.. I actually won every game but teacher says I should give people chance so, I won the first and give out the rest.. =b
Ta-da.. It's word search.

Stay tune for more updates.. =D

Love, Hann

Thursday, June 7, 2012

CLHS Gathering, 6th June

This is my first time going Chung Ling High School Scouts Gathering, also the last time i think..
From the start i think is boring because we have to get there by 7am in the morning until 7.30pm. 
God is a damn long duration okay? @@

But! I never regret going to this gathering.. *claps*
Our leader put a lot of effort on this gathering and yes it pays.. =D
We won 5 trophies. *woo hoo!!!
4 freakin champion and 1st runner up.. =b
Masquerade 1st
Best Dance
Best Fancy Dress
Best Attendance, with a 164 high attendance. xD
And finally the great damn BEST OVERALL CHAMPION!!!
I paid also kay?? 
I've shout til my throat like torn out wey.. 

The people who explain the stories between Vampires, Werewolf and Witch please check out Vampires Diaries!!!! *just saying. =b

A lot of funny moment in the gathering seriously.. 
The emcees is good. great job! 
Except for the asking phone number part okay? so damn embarrassing!! =@
I hang there like 5seconds. God.. the hall is looking at me! 
There's a reason why I hang, it remind me of the video from Mad TV.. xD

Here's the link: 
Prepare to laugh! 

The CDKs is like KPOP freaks you know? lol
Once they said KPOP everyone know they're talking about the CDKs.
Nevermind we did a great job.. =b

Oh ya! the Free Dance!! 
baby YinChing rocks!!! I never see this side of her seriously, I was shock! 
Jxhia the HIAO'es cha bor~ always dance well de la... xD
Pei Er is like listen to da music all the time.. 
Li Chin, Ree Wen, Caryn... shaking on the beat.. lolx!
The DJ was the one I mad of! 
Playing the wrong song, even he played the right one before the chorus the highest part he changed!!! URGH!
Be smart okay, dear DJ. The boss will fire you if you did this in the club. = =

Dears Kim, Er, LiChin, ReeWen and ME! on the left.

As I mention earlier, the trophies!
This is one of the great memory of my Girl Guides story, my High School life.. 
Friends lets treasure our friendship. Friends Forever. <3

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Got some free time today so i went out with my dear, Janice.. ^^
Well.. we reach 1t Avenue and bought the movie ticket.
There's is some time so we decided to eat some thing, walk around but nothing to eat.. ><
In the end we went to Old Town for bread.. =b
In the middle of lunch a disable people pass by asking for donation.. like selling things.. so we both bought 2 for RM10. Is quite pretty so still okay..
Friends~ =D

Then we go to the cinema. =)
A photo of us before getting in there.. =b
The movie ticket.
Snow White and The Huntsman. It's a nice movie even tough there's no big different from the original story that I watch when I was young but it makes the story more interesting. =)
The 3 main characters did their very best job for the movie. Snow White, Stepmother, Huntsman.
Well.. you guys should check it out.. =)

On the 3rd of June I went to my cousin's wedding dinner..
My very first time wearing a dinner dress you know!! ><
Gosh!! so embarrassing!! =X
Outfit of the day~

Love the necklace I know.. =b

That's all for today~
stay tune for more updates.. =)
I love you guy.. <3
