Sunday, April 15, 2012

Busy April

It's been a while I never update again. It's been busy this few weeks.. I'm preparing for the competition at 1st Avenue on 21th April, if you're free please stop by have a look from 6pm til 9pm. And yes, give me your SUPPORT! I need you guys support badly, seriously..

   In March, I've spend my days on the proposal. As most of the people know, I'm organizing an event under PenangYouth on 7th July. The event will be updated here so you guys can register with me.. =)

    Once again my results sucks to the MAX! No tuition only activities that's why. But, every time I want to study I just can't. >< So hard la wey~ Once I see the book I'll day dreaming straight. Gosh! Can anyone help me out?! @@ SPM is just around the corner.. ='(

    Have anyone watched 'Dark Flight'? It's a Thai horror movie but I take it as Thai movie only.. It happen in an plane called 407. It's a haunted plane which break down then repaired and fly again. The movie is ridiculous actually, they didn't explain why the plane is haunted and every thing.. Plus! The ghost thing is not scary.. The human is much more scarier than the ghost.. God, what kind of movie is this? = =

   Oh ya.. on 13th April I went to Redbox @ Gurney for my friends birthday celebration. There must be some games right? You know what? I get the mission is: sing 'Jian Ao' 2 key higher + sexy dance. If I fail I've to find 5 person which I don't know and say: Imma beauty.. So, i complete the mission. This is the hardest game I've played.. I can't hold my breath you know?! @@

    So, that's all for today. Stay for my next update , kay? =)


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