Thursday, December 15, 2011

Back from KL

Finally I'm home. I went to KL from days and I don't get to shop enough!! OMG! But I did meet a lot of people & friends, from KL, Sabah those who are younger then me and really really cute, I would say: I love Them!!!

  I went there with my godmother and Teresa, in the middle of the trip her brother Edmund joined in.. Thx for Janice who fetch us from Penang to KL. Before we start our journey we went Oriental ktv at night then we stay at Northam Hotel. I played Jacuzzi there, it was really fun! I was covered by bubbles!! xDD

  I bought Sticky for my friends and i bought myself some RM5 large Sticky.. haha!!

What I drank in the morning.

The Hotel opposite the house I'm staying. 

It's 12pm++!!

The Mines~~

some place i went at Maluri.

Apple: 1st generation.



One of my fav I found there.

The RM5 Sticky I bought.. Mango

This is Apple.

United Buddy Bear which placed outside Pavilion.
The store was inside Pavilion.

Lastly Merry X'mas. ^^

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Family Day at 3hui

Today 3hui held a family day at CRC. 
  I nearly got sun burnt cause we were standing under a hot sun for the whole morning. I'm getting darker skin too.. 
It's fun to playing with the kids, seeing their happy faces running around the field, playing all the games with their parents together. It is tired but fun. I even meet some one new there. I think is some college guys some unknown places but we do enjoy the day together by picking those balls.. HAHA!!
  Plus thx Ray Kit & Sam for the cake and outing.. =D 
The venue: CRC Penang.

The first game is about to start.

looks at their faces.. =D

look how happy they are..

The champion of the game.

Another game prepared.

I will never set this game again.. it's tiring!!

game we played. Gasing.                                               
2 fresh man i met today. known as HeanSquare. xD

my 16th cake brought by Ray Kit.
Sam with Johnny
Ray Kit & Sam with Johnny
Isn't it cute??

the movie that i wanted to watch actually..
In the end we watch this.  A really  nice  movie. Main thing I learnt in the movie is TRUST. 

Charlie, Max Kenton's father. He was an ex boxer who own a robort which men  used to replace people in boxing. They went to the junkyard and accidentally found Atom an obsolete Generation-2 sparring bot built in 2014. Max decided to bring Atom to a competition due to they needing money. Atom won many competition and finally went to WRB and fight with the others championship. Before fighting the robort called Twin Cities they meet the genius Tak Mashido and the rich Farra Lemcova who first tries to buy the upstart Atom. Max successfully win Twin Cities and he challenges the robort of Tak Mashido, Zues. In the last round of the five-round match, Atom's vocal receptors are damaged, and Atom must fight in shadow-boxing mode, copying Charlie's moves from the aisle. Zeus, now controlled manually by a furious Mashido, expends energy on trashing the defensive Atom, running low on power and turns sluggish as a result. Atom then begins to pummel Zeus, even knocking the seemingly invincible champion down once, but not winning before the round ends. The judges declare a winner on points, favoring Zeus, but his reputation is tarnished, and Atom has become famous as the "People's Champion"

Dakota Goyo act as Max Kenton.
I'm totally in love with him!! <3

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Opening Ceremony of Penang Youths Club

It is the day for Launching Penang 
today,all the core leaders & sub leaders from different high school and college were introduced to the press the to the world.. 
  It was so nice meeting everyone tonight at here, Penang Youths Club. Our first meet was kinda relax, enjoyable and also memorable. Thanks Jazz for gathering all the people here as we can know so many people in different races, background. By working out Youth Jam, we can learn from each other, supporting each other and we work together to make all this better, larger, wider til the entire world know us. 

Comgratz for Jazz & Ginger.. 
buffet prepared for the people..

"Yam Seng" ~!!!!!!

Jazz "yam seng" with FBR

by Kar Tien

by Kar Tien
Flash mob dancing after the dinner..

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Shopping day~

another shopping day with my friend.. tired wey~
i saw a Stitch luggage it was so damn CUTE!! <3 imma freaking stitch lover.. =P
end up i get myself a singlet, a pair of sneakers and shoe laces..

it's time for dinner~
so, i when to 3rd floor sat down at OASIS COFFEE GARDEN.
i order yong tau fu with dang hun.
can you guess how much it cost?! RM10.30!!!!
its fucking expensive!!!
i just ordered 2bird eggs, mushrooms, tofu, taiwan xiang chang..
although i'm not the one who paying the food i still eat it happily..
end up i went to Cool Blog and buy myself a orange smoothie..

Prangin Mall change a lots...
i dont feel like my home any more...
it was a long time i didnt hang around there with my friends, buddies... I miss them a lot!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

31th July, We Dance For Peace

We Dance For Peace @ Straits Quay Penang.
another event of dancing..
3rd event i'm shooting.. =]
actually i'm afraid to shoot event especially dance..
seriously after this event i notice i rea
lly need
a flash gun!!
by then i was enjoy shoot photos there.. =]

first thing i reach there is find Jxhia!!! =p
when i saw her far away,
i feel she was like: "ShuHan where are you?? *about to cry* where are you wey~~" xD

there was so many performances..

kids, teenage, adults..
they all dance so well...
the crowds there was so HOT!
and I was HOT too!! cause i'm wearing two shirts.. xD

well, stay tune for the next event..
i'll be the photographer there again, m
aybe.. =P

here is some photos from the event..

the crowd at Straits Quay..


Dancers from Dazity.

30th July, SMK HZA Canteen Day

well, i think this is the 2nd event i'm shoot for my friend James Meade.
he's asking me to help him shoot this event..
here i wanna thanks him for inviting me, gimme a chance to practice my shooting skills again.. =]
THANK YOU James!! <3

not much things there but i manage to shoot about 100 photos..
i meet a lots of primary school classmate there..
everyone changed.. all taller than me d.. xDD
well, is ok.. i'm the cute-tess one.. lolx!!

this kid scared me 3 times.. walao eh.. ==

This is Darren, one of my primary school classmate.
seriously, when i saw him dance robotic i was shock..
i dont know he can dance this well.. =]

Monday, July 18, 2011

Another day to write down.. =]

is 16th July. the day of BonOdori.
I had been hanging out with Janice, Sasa, J.anne, Eddy, Bryan. on that day..
we failed to book the movie of Harry Potter so we decided to watch another movie..

this was the movie we watched.. "Treasure Inn" suggestion from Eddy.
is kinda funny.. we nearly get mad when the movie start cause we don't know what's this show is.. in the end, there's full of laughter in the theater and we do enjoyed the movie.. =]

after the movie, we did hang around, have some food, buy some things. then we went BonOdori by Leonard's car.. =]
there's so many people there, we manage to find a car park after stucking in the traffic jam..
i saw many people wearing Yukata, and i hope i got one too.. haha... i love yukata or kimono so much... well, maybe i'll get one for next year's BonOdori.. ^^

I met a lot people there.. Jazz, Jack, Rynna, ShuYee, LiYi, James, Nick, Janet, Jacqueline, Owning, Romeo, Kai Xiang, Hooi Ting, YinSin, Jasmine... maybe other's but i forgets...

ah... i lost my gang there, left me and Bryan!! awww.. i was so nervous that time.. i try to call them but i failed.. there's too much connection!!! but in the end i got them.. luckly!! ^^

we get into the haunted house too.. ^^
well, Janice is shouting and i dont know what she's shouting about and i just follow her shouting: AHH!!!!!! AHH!!!!!! end up i was gasping for air... hahaha... i enjoy shouting inside the haunted.. btw they're not scary... i saw them all before they jump out to scare other peoples... they're so cute~~ =p

is kinda sad that lots people can't recognize me that time.. =(
i don't think i change a lot and why can't they recognize me or forgotten me?? so sad... =(

i sat by the beach and wait for the fireworks with Sasa, J.anne, Leonard, Eddy, Nick and Bryan.. the fireworks were so nice.. and a lots of my favourite in there.. can;t manage to shoot nice photos but at least i try, cause i dont know the actual place the fireworks playing..

well, i'm not gonna miss it next year.. i had fun there meeting friends.. as you know, i really miss you guys soooooo much!!!! <3 hope i'll see you soon.. =]

Sunday, June 19, 2011

The Flash - On The Floor-Flash Mob(2011)

On The Floor-Flash Mob was held on 18th & 19th june 2011

I have a nice time with peoples in The Flash..
this flash mob is invited by DIGI,
so we gonna dress in yellow.. =p
the floor was yellow-ish when we all stood at the Gurney center hall..

after the dance today we when to RedBox.
Finally i get my card..
we when there and get crazy very fast..
very enjoy with our team members..
Thx Leonard, for driving me to LK Western Cafe for dinner,
although my dinner nearly become my supper d.. ><

erm... photos will be upload soon,
cause it's too much i have to edit and choose photo before upload..
So, stay tune...

Btw, i really have a nice day with you guys..
hope there was another chance to meet you guys.. =]

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Youth Jam 11!!!

Youth Jam 11 was held on 4th & 5th june @ Penang Time Square.

I work as a photographer there.. =]
is two days event but we prepare months before the event..
while preparing got some argument, mistaken but at last we work this event together sucessfully!!

Thanks to Jazz, Ginger, Wilson Wang, Kar Tien, Yu Tatt, Jack, Wilson Beh, Jason.. all core team members.
without them Youth Jam 11 wont held.
without them we wont meet together and share this sucess.
without them Penang wont have this huge event for us to learn, have fun.
and also all the youth leaders,
without you all this event cant work..

We share this sucess.
We share our happiness.
We are Penang-ist.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

A memorial day.. =]

1st of May I have take part a competition..

we had only practice for 7days..
everyone say do your best that's all..
teacher also said no hope for us d...
i think to give up before, but it is A TEAM!!
we can't lost any one.. one gone team gone..
is hard so us while we running practice..
time crash, transport problems, and some emergency..

today i was sooooooo nervous..
my tears running in my eyes since we went to the backstage..
but i did do my best on the stage.. =]

finish our performance, on the seats I was damn nervous too..
those team were so good!

until our 'little' team get their trophy,
until 3rd and 2nd team get their trophy,
i was so scare, so nervous...
Liz shout loudly 3HUI!!!!
until whole hall can hear her voice.. lolx

when namo pop out the words 3Hui,
my tears drop..

i was like what the hell!!!
it was happy.. =]
we do our best and now we did it!!!!!

Guys, you all are so good!
Thx for joining us..
Thx for your precious time..
Thx for every thing.. =]

I love you Guys.. ^^

Monday, April 18, 2011

18th April

i went to cut my hair today...
become a kid now.. ><

then we(ling,shu hui, zhi yin,tud)
walk to ling ling's home..
since today is her birthday,
we have been kidnapped by her parents to have dinner together with her family..

Jazz, Ginger, Han Liang was there too.. =]
laughing non stop there,
everyone was enjoying theirselves...

my day end in the KFC @ farlim with my family..
more laughter in there..
at there we meet my cousin, Kenny
a latin dancer.. =]

having fun today..
what a nice day...
lastly Happy Birthday to LingLing.. =]

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

fed up!!!!!

i was suffering myself and he just enjoy himself!!!
how hurt when i saw his status?!
my phone call til no credit cant reply le,
but i know you're angry, is ok..
cause i really cant contact with you, is my fault...
i tell you the reason i ponteng d..
but you were not trusting me!!!!
what should i say?!
wanna change me?!
ask yourself can or not?!
changing is not that easy!!
really fed up d!!
first time only!!!
happy???? you got everything first~!!!

Breaking My Promise Again

Today i didn't go school because of that bus were late for one period time to school...
i know i shouldn't ponteng since i have the reason of late to school..
i didn't think to ponteng since my friend ask me to.
i should say no but i didn't..
so, today i did so wrong that i promise
my parents, my godmother, sister, and boyfriend not to do this again...

i felt so sorry, although i was doing my homework during that ponteng time..
i shouldn't do that... even i'm doing my homework...
when i get home dad warn me to be careful that everyone knows what i did..

holy shit.. that teacher knew it, and not only me, is me with my friends too..
if i didn't go, they would be save at home now...
now they are nervous planing what to tell the teacher tomorrow...
sorry guys...

SORRY is what only i could say,
i know that sorry can't change anything,
i know that i make everyone disappointed at me again.. (even teacher)
i know that what i promise is shit!!
because you all know i won't change any..
i was just playing around, do nothing everyday..
those advise i didn't forget,
what i promise i didn't forget,
what i say i didn't forget..
how i betray my parents i didn't forget..
how i make all of you disappointed i didn't forget,
how many times i make you all disappointed i didn't forget too..

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


when're gone, I'm gone too..
18th march we start our first dating with movie and shopping.. =]
we end on 12th may at the field behind my school.
do you know how hurt i am?!
you just sit beside and watch my dad slap me!
then we broke up like this..
the one who say break is me,
but do you know how much i love you????
you dont even realize..
I'm such a fool~!!!

However i had been fool but i'm still loving you...
How stupid i am?!
Wake up you dude~!!!
He is suck!!
The son of bitch!!!
Leave him, please~!!
You suit for a better man~~