Friday, April 19, 2013

Life is Bread History

Well, the reason why I've no time to update my blog is because I gotten a job as a baker in Bread History, Gurney Plaza. And 18th of April was officially my last last day as a worker there.. I seriously miss them all la..

  Since 15th of January I've worked there.. The first person I met was Ah Girl, our supervisor of Gurney. Then the next one probably was Kai Xing~ <3 1="" all="" and="" as="" before="" br="" bread="" can="" cash="" cashier="" ching.="" did.="" drawer="" earlier="" every="" friends="" functioning="" get="" girls="" going="" has="" have="" i="" ingredients="" into="" it="" kitchen.="" lay="" leave="" made="" memorize="" more="" much="" name="" nbsp="" of="" p="" part="" people="" period="" picture="" price="" probably="" s="" sad="" said="" since="" some="" t="" take="" than="" that="" the="" them="" then="" there="" they="" thing.="" to="" union="" ve="" was="" week="" well="" who="" with="" worked="" xin="" yee="">   After a week, I'm into the kitchen. The people in kitchen makes me feels they are so damn serious since they're all wearing mask and you never know were they smiling or not, what you can do is eye contact with them.. So while stepping in there makes me so excited but also nervous. Just only 1 day and I realize life in kitchen is much tougher than standing outside at the counter. The people don't talk, doing their own thing all the time, wouldn't smile at you and only asking you to work and yes complaining you're slow. From the start I was like 'Oh c'mon I'm new! What do expect? You got more experience of course you got that speed..' But after a while I got my speed, of course not like an expert but not that newbie la.. =b

  The most thing I do is weighting the dough, the dough was prepared but we have to weight them all before making breads, since they came in a pack with different weight, so yea.. Remember there was a day I weight them like 20 over pack.. gosh! It was sick you know?! Standing in da same position doing same thing all day long.= = Joey says today I was seeing you doing the same thing all day. lol. Well, cause that time I don't know how to do breads I couldn't help them the only I can do is weight the dough.

  After some days, Khai Sean, my leader get me to learn how to topping the breads! I was like yesh! From the start I'm like "Oh my god! There's so many!!" I couldn't actually remember all the toppings and so. I have  to learn how to differentiate them before I can do the toppings. If your're asking did I make it wrongly? My answer is YES! I did make it wrongly once! It was suppose to be white mexico I pumped coffee mexico! LMAO!! Sheh Ying was like "oppss! that's super polo!!" I did only once I swear okay?

  Then is the oven, yea. Until now the job I hated the most i kitchen is handling the oven. Why? because it's hot, it's a fucking race with the time and fire, you have to be like a lightning bolt running front and back. If you're handling only the oven that's still okay, if you have to do topping and handling the oven at the same times it kills me. But now, it doesn't kills me but I just still don't like it.. =b Yes, I burnt my hand not only once but several times. I'm like I was getting a new tattoo~~ xD It's not like the oven will flame but my hand accidentally touched the hot plate which just remove from the oven. People asked why don't you shout?! I'm like because I'm shock?? 0.o Seriously I don't know how to respond since all in my mind is bread. = =
Until I saw blisters on it only I realize it was bad, I cut the blisters and water flows out it was hurt but I just don't want to see them on my hands. Well, now it become a permanent tattoo.. So girls don't cut your blisters even though you don't like them okay?

  Oh ya! There's only 2 man in there which is Daniel and Ah Shen which I called him. They are buddies, they talk they laugh together. Their both nice to me also la.. Haha.. Daniel boy always makes me laugh since his face was so cute and he always did silly faces, he speak like so funny. He just make me laugh all the time. xD Shen is quite serious looking but actually not! He's probably the trouble maker all the time. =b I admit that he take care of me a lot la..

  I don't know should I write the Boost guys. haha! Boost Juice Bar was just opposite of our shop, so yea I'm a regular customer there.. lol. There's a guy who always give me a lot discount, love him so much! <3 a="" btw="" get="" girls="" good="" he="" him="" i="" if="" la..="b</p" looking.="" photo="" possible="" says="" the="" was="" with="" would="">There's so much to write, but still I have to end this blog. So I took some photos with them. <3 nbsp="" p="">I missed you guys! LOVE YA!!<3 nbsp="">
What I saw every morning
PS: can't photo properly eh er. ==
New kid, Chris Tan Yi Feng.
He's a genius!
Khai Sean, I begged her of this photo you know?
BHua, senior from Prangin.

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