Sunday, July 29, 2012

30-hour Famine, 28th, 29th July.

30-Hour Famine is a event organize by WorldVision, which is the main organizer. It's my first time joining this event and this is crazy!!!
It is about starving for food. We are there to challenge ourselves only drinking and eat nothing for 30hours. The main thing is to feel the way those people, children and animal who starving for food, lack of mineral or would probably pass away any time any where. 
   This event is kinda huge since it is just one of the D.I.Y camp in Penang. There was a camp and also countdown in KL. Lee Hom will attend the countdown.
    During the event I don't actually feel starving but I feel tired lack of strength imagine the people there, no food, no water, hot whether and they still have to work or find their own food. Kids are dying everyday, every hour, there are already 5 main country in ASEAN which involved in problem. By joining this event we can help them.
    Back to the event day. I was a committee there so I gonna be there more earlier and yes I went early. We are using the Penang Town Hall, one of the heritage building. Second floor is made of wood and since it was old when you walk on the second floor the floor is actually shaking! Kinda scary right? but still we are safe we never break the floor even we jump hard. xD
     On that day, we have performance, games, movie sharing and so on... The most interested event must be the concert. Everyone was so damn high until most of them couldn't go to bed, me either. LOL.
     At night, they will play movies. So for those people like us can have a movie marathon. I actually watch until I fall asleep in the hall.
     Well, people ask did I eat secretly. And my answer is NO!! although I did bring sweets, chocolates and biscuits but I never eat. I don't even drink 100 plus or milk only mineral water. I know it is crazy but it's true! =P
      I'm so happy I join this event, no regrets! I met new friends, learn new things, experience new, adventure a little. You know what? I'm going next year! 30-Hour Famine? Challenge Accepted!
Photos will be upload sooner or later, stay tune. =)
Love, Hann