Thursday, May 31, 2012

Busy Holiday

It's HOLIDAY!!!!
but i don't feel it.. I've been working for the quarter of my holiday!
The event things got me occupied, it's too rush! I have to complete every thing by this week!
God.. kill me please~~ i got no time to relax duh...
Even when i go for photo shooting, the photo came out sux to the max! =(

Can I have some thing to cheer me up?? I need it badly.. =(

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


I failed to update again... sorry... ><
It's end of May already... alright, I've been working on my exam.. weird right?! cause i never study as you guys know.. XD but yes, i study quite a while just for this Mid Year Exam although the result won't be that good at least i try right?? hmm.....

Oh! the Wesak.. haha...
i failed for the performance.. >< due to the music problem i couldn't face the audience the 3rd times and repeating the same problem.. it's bad that you went up the stage and suddenly music goes wrong and get down from the stage, few minutes more the same problem occurs and they want you to do it third time..
OMG! I'm not going to do that.. and they don't pay me for the performance okay?!