Tuesday, March 8, 2011

fed up!!!!!

i was suffering myself and he just enjoy himself!!!
how hurt when i saw his status?!
my phone call til no credit cant reply le,
but i know you're angry, is ok..
cause i really cant contact with you, is my fault...
i tell you the reason i ponteng d..
but you were not trusting me!!!!
what should i say?!
wanna change me?!
ask yourself can or not?!
changing is not that easy!!
really fed up d!!
first time only!!!
happy???? you got everything first~!!!

Breaking My Promise Again

Today i didn't go school because of that bus were late for one period time to school...
i know i shouldn't ponteng since i have the reason of late to school..
i didn't think to ponteng since my friend ask me to.
i should say no but i didn't..
so, today i did so wrong that i promise
my parents, my godmother, sister, and boyfriend not to do this again...

i felt so sorry, although i was doing my homework during that ponteng time..
i shouldn't do that... even i'm doing my homework...
when i get home dad warn me to be careful that everyone knows what i did..

holy shit.. that teacher knew it, and not only me, is me with my friends too..
if i didn't go, they would be save at home now...
now they are nervous planing what to tell the teacher tomorrow...
sorry guys...

SORRY is what only i could say,
i know that sorry can't change anything,
i know that i make everyone disappointed at me again.. (even teacher)
i know that what i promise is shit!!
because you all know i won't change any..
i was just playing around, do nothing everyday..
those advise i didn't forget,
what i promise i didn't forget,
what i say i didn't forget..
how i betray my parents i didn't forget..
how i make all of you disappointed i didn't forget,
how many times i make you all disappointed i didn't forget too..