Thursday, September 23, 2010


Missing YoRu~

You thought me to love~
You thought me what is jealous~
but You did not thought me how to let go~

You had been an Angel, that always by my side....
You had been a MAN, protecting me....
You had been a THIEF, stolen my Heart....
You had been a BETRAYER, unfaithful to me...

How could You did that to me?!!
I love You so much but i dont know what are you saying was true..

you said: I want you to be the happiest woman in this world, always~!
And that is'nt true... I was been happy for two months...
Now You were happy with Your EX wifey...
And ME....will be died forever~~!!!!!!!!
Finally BROKEN~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

By Tudtud~[寒]